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Have you woken up and still feel like you haven’t found your purpose? Well, join the club. Sometimes, it feels like it’s on the tip of my tongue, ready to be yelled out like Half-Pint did at the end of the movie School Daze. But as I drink my tea from Yogi, there is a quote on the tag of the tea bag that states, “The purpose of life is to know yourself, love yourself, and be yourself.” Everything and everyone we encounter is for us to rediscover who we are.
We grow up with so many expectations, thinking if we don’t achieve certain things in life, we fail. But that is just the doubt and fears that we learn to focus on feeding itself. I say, stop it! Stop feeding that negative side of you because as long as you are waking up each day, you still have time to achieve your goals and your dreams and get to know that successful version of yourself.
Many of us tend to attach our purpose to our career, goals, and dreams, but those are just tools that are being used in order for us to get to know ourselves. This is why I understand why people say you have to love what you do; you are a happy person when you love what you do. You give off a different negative energy when you don’t love what you do. You start dreading going to work, speaking out loud that you hate your job, etc., and you wonder why you were laid off.
According to, 42% of people who write down their goals are likely to achieve them. 72% of successful people attributed the habits that they developed over time to their successes. 95% of people attributed their success to networking. 92% of people decided to give up on their goals. While 96% say it was their lack of effort, and 4% say it was their lack of ability.
Get motivated! If you are sitting around in the house, or going to work, and going straight home, ask yourself, why do we see so many movies or hear about CEOs going golfing? They are networking. Get to know that professional side of yourself and say hello!
There are many sides of us that we, as human beings, haven’t even discovered yet because a lot of us are too scared. You can embrace them and decide if you like that version of yourself or stay stuck and stagnant in the life you have. Either way, it’s a choice.
One of the characters in the book Love’ Fool, named Sharon, was faced with this same question. She wanted to know who she was. She felt lost and purposeless because she was going through a tough time in her life. We all, on occasion, have been facing this same feeling. Let me know how you overcame it.
I am still getting to know myself and definitely loving myself. It’s harder than I anticipated especially when you have been dealing with someone for almost 30yrs. I am struggling with my dream job as well. I can say I’ve put up boundaries and am taking baby steps and making progress. Anticipating the new and improved version of myself. While I’m waiting for my girls to finish college I am working on myself (mind, body and soul)so that way when they get their own place I can decide if I want to stay or move to a different state and start my NEW FOREVER LIFE
Thank you, Kelly for responding. At least you are taking baby steps and pushing forward.
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